Arts & Theatre

The Pitch

Graphic for "The Pitch"
$30. Students and seniors $25.    |  Aug 3, 2024  |  7:30PM - 9:20PM

Tom Allen is a widower, raising his 15-year-old daughter as a single dad. Desperate for money, he grabs at a job in a boiler-room set-up, selling machine parts over the phone. He soon discovers that his job requires him to make ethical compromises, occasionally misrepresenting the products he sells. He finds himself in competition with his co-workers. His tension builds as he discerns that his boss may be under investigation by the authorities, endangering the job that Tom needs so much.

Life at home is getting complicated as well, as Tom becomes aware that boys notice that his daughter Michelle is becoming a woman. He faces disappointment as he discovers that his dreams for Michelle’s future do not match the aspirations that Michelle has for herself.

How many compromises can Tom make if he wishes to remain a moral man and a good dad?
Written by Tom Alper. Directed by Louie Liberti. Produced by Waterfront Productions. A visiting production at the Odyssey Theatre.