Arts & Theatre

SEEK In Shared Reality At Cosm Los Angeles

SEEK At Cosm Los Angeles
$22    |  Jun 29 - Aug 22, 2024  |  10:30AM

Immerse yourself in a journey that blurs the lines between us and the elements with SEEK—an all-encompassing odyssey from the award-winning new media artist Nancy Baker Cahill.

SEEK invites you to actively look and listen more deeply, dissolving the interface between viewer, lens, and filmed content. It features a series of bespoke abstract landscapes—water, sand and wind, fire, and forest—each layered with meticulously camouflaged imagery and sound. You’ll be asked to “seek” in both the literal and philosophical sense: to discern, grapple with, and imagine interconnected and entangled worlds.
‘SEEK’ is a 30-minute experience.
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